Celtic Spirituality

Renames Celtic Spirituality, formerly "Health Spirituality." We aim to encourage and develop awareness of the many benefits of a healthy faith with many innsights from a Celtic perspective. We explore the Mind-Body-Spirit connections. See also Paschal's home faith community at the website of Celtic Christian Chruch. Inspiration: Ps 23, Luke 1: "My sould magnifies the Lord...", & follwing 15 vv., and the words of Amazing grace. Noblesse Oblige.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Celtic Spirituality S.O.S. Invitation from Paschal

Celtic Spirituality SOS seeks to rescue the faith journey from a fearful and dogmatic religion, bad theology and a literal bible. Each faith journey is unique. Each of us is a New Story of God, created in the Divine Image. This faith is more comfortable with mystery, love and grace than with "right believing" and boundaries.

Instead of just writing blogs, (Celtic Spirituality in Kentucky and Celtic Spirituality), I have decided to offer a presence for sharing, gathering, mindful meditation and retreats in Lexington, Ky. I will also be developing a website, besides blogs, for this presence.Your prayers are requested for this leading.

I have been a married Catholic priest associated with the Celtic christian Church for at least ten years (see website). My current ministries are Chaplain to my Blind Veterans chapter in Lexington, a wedding chapel (Amazing Grace Chapel), interfaith spirituality, prison ministry, Spellbinder storytelling and writing books on total wellness. I now have 13 books on kindle and soon ten on Amazon. . My cell phone is (859) 293-5302. 
My retreat center for gatherings is in east Fayette County, 10 miles from downtown Lexington. Let's talk.

of The Golden Domer, Notre Dame Senior Alumni Newsletter,

At the end you will find an invitation to share your own story....
in a series I am developing. Volume One now published.

Paschal is a disabled blind Veteran trained by FA Blinid Rehab Center computer program.
His aim is to demonstrate that blind Veterans can still be productive.
His goal is to create a bookshlef on total wellness for counselors and careivers.

My Spellbinder storytelling journey is told on Encore.org at

A podcast interview can be found at Kentucky Voices and Views.

Information and reviews of my memoir are found at

For listing of my 13 books on kindle and nine on Createsapce, put
my name “Paschal Baute” in the vbrowser there.