Holy Thursday & the Sacrament of Christian Authority.: humble service
Holy Thursday and the forgotten
Sacrament of Christian Authority.
Problem 1
“I like
your term "arrogant theology." –discussion with a friend.
Or, another's term:
"Strong theology" = characterized
Power over, control, guilt, creed,
De-emphasizing the personal search,
(finding and going to one’s own well
of inspiration,)
Readiness to judge and exclude,
Not allow questioning
The sacred text is holy and tru, not
to be challenged.,
"Right Teaching" (defined
by us) is the ultimate criterion;
Circle the wagons in threat or conflict.
Refusal to listen (= not necessary)
WE have the last say, the whole truth.
Problem 2
The last 3, maybe 4 generations of
Catholics are so abused,
numbed out, exiled, and fed up or
despairing, unaware
of the magnificent personal challenge
of finding and embracing
the grace filled adventure of their
own spiritual journey.
“I will show you how the ‘master,’
‘the teacher” as you call me,” he said,
"should act."
“Take off your shoes, I will wash
your feet.”
This is the forgotten sacrament of Christian authority.
It has all required elements needed
to be declared a sacrament.
1. Jesus did it,
2. He ordered us to repeat it.
3. It is an efficacious sign of Grace.
4. Furthermore, Jesus illustrates what he means by this example
of humble service
In the admonitions of Matthew 25.
"Whatsoever you do to theses (hungry, thirsty, sick, in jail broken), you
do to me.
These element are far more clear for
establishing a Sacrament than those found for the "sacrament" of
marriage." (Note:
Marriage was not declared a sacrament until Albert and Aquinas
in the 12th century
Celtic Spirituality, Celtic Grace is mystical, found everywhere in "thin places."
I plan, "God willing & the
crick don't rise," a new extension of ministry of
Celtic Spirituality in Lexington, Ky,
-Blog Celtic Spirituality. Invitation.
-Beginning in May with sponsoring
and leading a new creative writer's group, meeting monthly.
Paschal Baute, April 2, 2015
Celtic Grace:
Thin Places, Paschal Baute, (2014)
Where Do I Find "God" Stories, Paschal Batgue (2015)